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Bare Bones Butoh "Showcase #22"


This week there will be two butoh performances in San Francisco.  July 29 and 30 Bare Bones Butoh Dance Company will present “Showcase 22”.  On Friday you will be lucky to see Koichi and Hiroko Tamano in one of there last U.S. performances before they head back to Japan.  And on Saturday butoh dancer Luku will perform a self-choreographed piece in which I will be part of.  Come out and experience butoh.

If you are interested in learning what butoh is you are always welcome to come to the workshop in Berkeley, Ca at the Subterranean Arthouse taught by master butoh dancers Koichi and Hiroko Tamano.


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Bare Bones Butoh
Studio 210
Studio 210, San Francisco
July 29, 2011 - July 30, 2011

“Showcase 22,” with special guests Vangeline and local Butoh Master Hiroko Tamano. Bare Bones Butoh Presents is a performance showcase for local, national, and International artists working the areas of butoh, performance art, and/or ritual performance.

July 29, 2011
8:00 PM
10:00 PM

July 30, 2011
8:00 PM
10:00 PM

Ticket Prices - $5.00 - $20.00

Studio 210
3435 Cesar Chavez
San FranciscoCA 94110