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On Conspiracy Theories and the Chinese Made Genetically Altered Triple Set

If you know me or if for some odd reason have been paying attention to my interests you may know I think imagination and play are important. For me the potential is the forecastable future setting in cement. If it be,...how can I access more opportunities for art or how does this emerging technology set up possibilities that may come to pass.  

For this reason I have since childhood enjoyed ideas on Bigfoot and UFOs.  I find it disheartening that the CT term is now flagged and has been co-opted by people trying to cause harm,  But then…conspiracy theories have always been used to misdirect. 

Despite this I still believe in allowing the mind to look into the dark void of potential.  Weaving theories for creativity sake and safety sake. Yet I am starting to feel not all thoughts should be thought.  Who knows how powerful the mind can be…It can possibly construct the thing you wish to avoid.

I have many thoughts that I like to share with the close people around me (I thank them for their patience for sometimes I paint a dire picture).  I share with them possibilities and reasons I believe things are happening or potentials to look out for.  It is part of my practice, an extension of the creative mind.

Recently I thought of the term Scientist Monk to kinda describe what I am really about.  But labels do a dis-service, anchoring concepts that are ever changing… So let's discard this as soon as it makes an image in your mind…

I say all this to set up a simple and silly idea that occurred to me the other day.  

Why are the first genetically altered children females? Why the first twins?....

A disturbing thought popped into my mind.

The answer, a higher yield.

First, twins have a higher yield for the first try.  

Second, females because from this you can receive a higher yield for your super soldier army.  Mixed genes from altered and unaltered genes may have better results. I leave that for you imagination to decipher.

Of course this is just me thinking out loud, no evidence to suggest this super soldier theory, but…

I say this and the important part to take from this thought is…

This is the future that is not only coming, it is already here.  All we needed to do these alterations to the human race we have had for the last 5 years or more.  On top of this the powers that be have had all the reason and intention to do this.  

In closing this muse. Don't fear emerging tech.  It is our choice to choose the path emerging tech will take.  Don’t avoid the decisions we must make collectively because others will choose for you.  Emerging tech is not an unavoidable and set course. It seems that way because many have invested in this path.  I hope the collective catches up with the concepts of the possible future world.  Collectively engaging in constructing the future we all want…not leaving the construction to the select few.  
