Mike Meanstreetz

Raze the WhiteBox- DivineBrick in Collab. w/ Mike Meanstreetz and Z.Vital @ Human Resources, Chinatown, LA, Ca by DBL

Raze the WhiteBox


Eon Mora




Raze the WhiteBox

DivineBrick in Collaboration with Mike Meanstreetz and Z.Vital @ Human Resources, Chinatown, LA May 10, 2016

Video By Eon Mora


Click on Title of Vid to Enlarge

Divinebrick in Collaboration with Mike Meanstreez and Z.Vital @ Human Resources LA May 10, 2016 by DBL

May 10, 2016 9:30 pm

Human Resources, Los Angeles, Chinatown

410 Cottage Home St

Los Angeles CA


in collaboration with Mike Meanstreetz from the LA band Present (drums) and Z. Vital (loop effects) to close this circle.

Bass pushing air, creaking, cracking a wooden device called the Basso, to set the bio and molecular rhythm of the space. A device, part bazooka subwoofer speaker, part drum, and part bellowing feedback loop. Supplier of urban noise this wooden sub-woofer will be the splintered connection to indigenous past.

A past rooted in a vibration.  A slight alteration.

A exploration in movement call

ed Corporeal Reformation will occupy the rest of this space. Inner woven reaction to time, space voice and body, will be aided by the pulse of the sub, riding on witnesses inside a WhiteBox as landscape with their collective voices to activate our collective memory.

Sound, Movement and Voices will, I hope, conjure somewhat of a memory in us all.  A dormant behavior that is of a collective experience and a collective understanding.  If only for a second, a fleeting moment of understanding, may we forget the destructive philosophy that we follow without question.  This “performance” is more of a hot box of possibility.

Free to voice yourself.  We will need you to be the creepy crawlers in a night by the lake.  The many gorgeous songs on a perfect night while we form the body of water and the movement of the sky.  Be the bubbling pot that is the voices at a crowded bar.  The musical conversations on a semi crowded bus.  The silly conversation over heard by reason of proximity.  This WhiteBox will converge to be a primordial soup of abstraction of Growth and collective participation, a dance easily achieved by living.

This is a collaboration, concept by DivineBrick, vocal loops by Z. Vital, and textures and rhythm by Mike Meanstreetz.  At center the Basso.

Trying to reclaim some sort of indigenous or forgotten belief or behavior is close to impossible when these things have been destroyed or co-opted. Where does one turn if their past does not exist to borrow from it? Sometimes the things that the colonizer has stereotyped as “indigenous” become the only symbols on which to connect to, either in act of dissent or in hopes of connection. This will further convolute this already broken system. This semiotics are also the way the colonizers themselves find ways of connecting to more holistic styles of existing. Unearthing resources and the destruction of land not only uproots the indigenous people but also further removes the colonizer from forgotten memories of coexisting, not occupation of this land and its inhabitants (this includes plants and animals). Soon the definition of colonizer and the colonized bleeds into a convoluted One.

*instructions will be give on arrival


josie j, Mike Meanstreetz and Z. Vital have collaborated on may projects and events including Parallax Beach (An exploration in primordial development in time).





FB Event- 


HR website-


::LA CITA/ Los Angeles :: DOMELAND/ Joshua Tree SHOWS NOV-14-18 by DBL

What does science and religion have in common? They are both trying to figure out the growth, the mechanisms.

What do these two shows have in common?  Potential for Corporeal Reformations,  the Sound is the Symbol.

*     *     *     *     *

WHEREAS droppin it all haaard in da dezzzert, November 14th @






Tuesday Nov 18th @

La Cita Bar

in Dwntwn LA

The Zero Collective -


Eric Ostrowski





Bandito Overlord -



Doors at 8, show at 9 - No Cover

Parallax Beach-Parallax Scroll @ Highways Performance Space- Santa Monica, Ca by DBL

Severed moments of macrocosmic balance routinely underline human evolution. These moments intrigue, as modernity has alienated us from the immediacy of life. Perceptions of time become mercurial and subjective depending on perspective. Parallax Scroll will take the audience on a revisit through the emergence of life. A trip that re-exams light, language, and the development of society, ending in a space unresolved and recycled. All points can viewed when wading on a Parallax Beach.

PARALLAX BEACH's "Parallax Scroll" is a multi-media performance piece that bridges the abstract landscapes of sound, light, time, and movement. A collective of artists, each utilizing different mediums, come together to make this unique work. Wes Johansen creates a visual representation of abstract thought through digital video projection, edited live and synchronized to synthesizers. Mike Meanstreetz uses avant-garde percussion and composition techniques tangling the participants of this ritualistic performance in a web of synesthesia . These elements are accentuated as josie j conveys transformation to witnesses through ritualism/ meditative movement, influenced partly by Butoh training and a background in performance art. Also performing in this piece are Zachary Vidal (saxophone/sampled noise) providing textured mood, and Brennan Lowe (movement) setting the wheel of this cycle into motion.

PRESENT w/ DBRP @ D3C0D3D in the D3S3Rt by DBL

PRESENT w/ DBRP (4.20.14)


Jesse Jesster




 Filmed by: Danjon Black

D3C0D3D in the D3S3RT

Furst Wurld, Joshua Tree, Ca

April 19-20 2014

Music by PRESENT

with performance by DivineBrick

"Research in Ritual #c0z3n"


Mike Meanstreetz, Holly Spirit, Erin Worra, Zachary Vidal

Projections: VJ Wes


josie j, STIIVE MAGE, Maneesh Raj Madahar, Mystic O'Reilly

Event Stills:

Stiive Mange


Lazerblade w CT ASSualts

Mystic O' Reilly and Maya Papaya

April Performances by DBL

Its going to be a busy April.  Many thanks and much appreciation of your support.

More details as they emerge.

April 12:

heART Walk Echo Park: Closing reception.

heART WALK _ echO park _soundwaves Heal cancer Two 

– CLOSING RECEPTION saturday april 12th at LA Pizza 1498 west sunset with performance artists Whereas= Mike Meanstreetz, Josie J, Maneesh Madahar, Mike Glover, Ali Hyman Wolff, = DJ Fly, Jim Priest, Gaylord Fiend, Stiive Mage, Igor Amokian, AC The Program Director, Gra

ce Hall.

echo park stores, curators, artists, buyers and art lovers present and preserve history by providing a place to gather, celebrate and tell stories of what is and was.

April 19-20:

DBRP will be performing with a group of artist.  

Its sure to be a wild one. 


D3C0D3D in the D3S3RT a free vision camping event

April 19-20 2014

full list of Performers will be announced shortly.























SPECIAL performance by












A magical night in Joshua Tree hosted at FUvRSTWORLD Furst World is stunning artistic oasis and theater located about an hour and a half outside of Los Angeles in the fabulous rocky high lands of Joshua Tree. Bobby Furst is an artist who creates and facilitates all varieties of visionary and political arts


Map of the drive-








There will be a Caravan Saturday morning, but we hope you can arrive at your convenience.

D3C0D3D is itself a ritual in visual and sonic rites in which the experiencer is lead into psychedelic realms through over lapping multi projected video and tonal tides which wash over the consciousness of the participant to allow for multidimensional decoding of subconscious thoughts and universal higher self concepts.

I felt Furst world would be an amazing place to bring in new energies and set the intentions of the year to come. There is also intended interactive elements, games, photobooths, face painting and magic. We are all here to entertain and inspire each other. I intend a performance aspect which involves professional fire swallowers and spinners. These aspects will be safely outside in the sand and should also include a portable aerial pyramid (allegedly) for what promises to offer an enticing and flowing circus environment. I anticipate these are all professional artists who create with purpose and safety is number one. Environmentalism is also paramount, we are fans of the "leave no trace" policy. Safety and cleanliness are the fulcrum by which this event pivots. In all, I want to assure that it will be a fun night where every one can really absorb a fully interactive spectacle while being responsible for their trash. I have a cleaning crew set up and all that we do is portable and makes zero impact on the environment and certainly no impact on the wonderful art installations.

We will arrive saturday afternoon to set up,claim campers or camp sights joshua tree hike after set up, then performances all night and a casual sunday morning breakfast, yoga workshop then lunch and good times. Clean up by sunfall and head off into the sunset on sunday night. Performers will be paid in tips and donations, some free food, beverages, fun and camping areas will be provided, but its encouraged you bring stuff to share as well. Invite any and all conscious people who will respect the lands, but all friends are welcome. There is also a pool and jaquzi so swim wear is advisable. I look forward very much to this event. If you have any concerns or creative ideas please let me know. Food is a potluck Everyone is encouraged to bring some food to share in team building and PLEASE BRING FIREWOOD!

Boulevard Wind - heART WALK Echo Park, March 16th 2014 by DBL

 Via Mike Meanstreetz

Fleeting moments of the site specific performance “Boulevard Wind,”

 by collaboratists WHEREAS 

@ heART WALK Echo Park, March 16th 2014

Ali Hyman Wolff (bodycity et al)

Mike Glover; Maneesh Madahar (CT Assaults)

Mike Meanstreetz


Fotos compliments of Stiive Mage

Parallax Beach @ Pehr Space: Parallax Scroll Final Performance by DBL


This was the last time Parallax Beach performed Parallax Scroll.  The night was filled with great acts.  I personally was hypnotized by the sounds and visuals of


.  I hope to see more of this very very talented lady.  I always gush for



TV Crime Lords

were fun.  Three cute boys making noise, much fun.  

Without further a due here are some stills of the night.  Brennan has got his character and moment down.  Stay tune for some audio.  

Parallax Beach @ PehrSpace Sean Carnage Monday Nights by DBL

Soft Forms,

Coming off the Epic Highways show, Parallax Beach is excited to present a much more appropriate, raw and dirty version of "Parallax Scroll".  We are honored to be performing at one of the last nights of Sean Carnage's influential Monday Nights in this City of Angels.

This show is poignant not only because of this, but because it will be the last time we will be performing "Parallax Scroll".  With the monumental departure of Brennan Lowe from the troupe we will move on to a new piece. 

I myself am excited and honored to be sharing the stage, for the second time, with


Hope to see you there.

Deciphering the roots,


*flier by Wes Johansen

Facebook Event Page

Heads: Performance Show by DBL


This Saturday, November 23, Members of PRESENT, BOW+ARROW & PARALLAX BEACH’s combined efforts will yet again crash their own party, and take others’ lives into their own hands. Improvisational video/puppetz/noise/synths/movement/blast beats/saxophones will scratch their own disc into bludgeoning skips while surrounding the crowd. Warehouse party.



A latest global acquisition given to us by PRESENT, a Mike Meanstreetz lovingly hypnotic production. 

Included in this tasty track is PRESENT's new saxophone player. 

Angela Gleich - vocals

Holly Spirit - electric piano & synthesizers

Erin Worra - saxophone

Mike Meanstreetz - drums, midi, backing vocals

Recorded (with child) September 2013 @ Women of Crenshaw, Los Angeles


For booking, please contact


released 11 November 2013


*     *    *     *     *

<a href="http://mikemeanstreetz.bandcamp.com/track/maternalworldgrind-single">MATERNALWORLDGRIND (single) by PRESENT</a>

Hell D3C0D3D by DBL


On November 2 I realize Halloween at this point in my life has no meaning just like Christmas it has the stench of a sales man with nothing to sell, but an all consuming idea.  But I do feel I need a time to explicitly remember the dead and face death as a mortal that I am. 

On this day I was lucky to be part of Highways Performance Space Dia de los Muertos Celebration.  It was a performance that stemmed from a workshop conducted by La Pocha Noestra at Highways.

The Performance itself was a variety of talented performers showcasing a variety of styles.  Ranging from dance, singing, to performance, some including all three.  Sneak peek pictures coming soon.

After the show I was honored enough to be invited by Mike Meanstreetz to be part of a jam performance at a house in Echo Park.  It was a Zombie Day of the Dead Party.  I was happy enough to freak out some more and channel some ancestral wisdom to freak out the locals.  Didn't quite get enough at Highways I guess.  In the end it was a wonderful piece.  Lazer Blade on keys/ sound/ mythical puppet performance, Mike Meanstreetz on drums and triggers, Zac Vidal on sax, and a new one I just met (groove guy) ARCHITECT on sax...SAX, duo it was monstrous. 

Here are some lovely pics via Amy Darling.

Don't forget to water your Roots.

Much too Weird for your scene.


<a href="http://mikemeanstreetz.bandcamp.com/album/dia-de-los-muertos-performance-d3cod3d">Dia de Los Muertos performance @ D3COD3D by Lazer Blade + Zachary Vidal + Architect + Josie Jay + Mike Meanstreetz</a>

Update: SoundWalk, Other Performances by DBL


This year has been a very eventful year.  Many performances and many artwork has yet to be made, but the opportunities I have had this year I have been grateful for.

I have lost my mailing list do to my computer failure but hopefully new social media will add in communication.  Also the few die hard fans can always keep up to date here and on the events page.

Any yes the new computer is on its way... finally.

More shows coming this month (more DBRP performances), in November (as part of the La Pocha Nostra Workshop at Highways) in December (Parallax Beach Debut of Parallax Scroll 2.0 At Highways).  List of events HERE.

This Past weekend Parallax Beach had an opportunity to run though the beginnings of Parallax Scroll in marathon form.  Five 45 min performances in a four hour block.  we finished exhausted, cleansed and accomplished.  Here are a few snippets of the performances. 

via SoundWalk

Instagram photo by @greeniebeanies (Ryan Lampert)

Photos by Hannah Maynard via LB Post

Instagram photo by @chakosroughdraft

Parallax Beach @ SoundWalk October 5, 2013 by DBL

Parallax Scroll is a multi-media performance piece that bridges the abstract landscapes of sound, light, time, and movement. A trio of artists, each utilizing different mediums, come together to make a unique piece.  Wes Johansen creates a visual representation of abstract thought through digital video projection, with live editing and synchronizing directly to the soundtrack.  Mike Meanstreetz uses avant-garde percussion and composition techniques tangling the audience in a web of Synthesia.  These elements are accentuated as josie j conveys transformation to audience through ritualism/ meditative movement influenced partly by Butoh training and a background in performance art.  With additional assistance from Zachary Vidal (audio) and Brennan Lowe (movement).

Parallax Scroll will take the audience on a voyage through the emergence of life. Starting with imagining first sight, the emergence of language, and the development of society -- all the way to the end of time. Severed moments of macrocosmic balance routinely underline human evolution. These moments intrigue, as modernity has alienated us from the immediacy of life. Perceptions of time become mercurial and subjective depending on perspective. All points can viewed when wading on a Parallax Beach

Parallax Beach will be performing Parallax Scroll on October 5, 2013 as part of Soundwalk in Long Beach CA.

Parallax Beach at SoundWalk


● WHAT: A multi-media performance piece Parallax Scroll, performed as part of the 10th annual “SoundWalk 2013” festival, a one-night event of installations by 40 local and international sound artists.

● WHERE: Artwise 408 1 st. st. and throughout the area encompassed by 4th St, Linden Ave, 1st St, and Elm Ave.

● WHEN: Saturday, October 5th, 2013 from 6–10 pm


● PARKING: Metered parking is available on the street; additional parking is also available in the parking lot at the NW corner of Broadway and Elm Ave.
Facebook event at: http://www.facebook.com/events/192642767577120/

Artist Sites:

josie j

Wes Johansen

Mike Meanstreetz

Found Fortune by DBL

A delicious track Via Mike Meanstreetz...  I get the chills just listening to it.

A new recording by spooky aboriginal spirit shaking FOUND FORTUNE -- a project with Libby O'Flaherty of Montana -- is now up on my band camp! Check it!


PRESENT live at The White Lodge by DBL

Via Mike MeanStreets

The PRESENT show on Friday June 14th has been moved to
4300 W JEFFERSON BLVD, Los Angeles, 90016

(Also, the CIA show on the 16th has been cancelled.)

We are very much looking forward to (touring) Joey Molinaro's one-man-band fiddle grind (with accompanying contact-mic'd combat boot double kick and rattle!) One of my favorite sets I can remember!

Added to the bill is Mumkai
and the video performance of WES and THE CULT OF THE ETERNAL BEAT


PRESENT (Drums - Mike Meanstreetz of BOW+ARROW, Vox - Angela Gleich, Keys - Holly Spirit)

We are very much looking forward to touring Joey Molinaro's one-man-band fiddle grind (with accompanying contact-mic'd combat boot double kick and rattle). One of my favorite sets I can remember!

The live video performance of


Performing live grooves and DJ'ing

Present Debut Performance: June 14th by DBL

Via Mike Meanstreetz:

Los Angeles triage PRESENT debuts with their CRITICAL DREAMING demo and summer shows,
starting Friday June 14th at Hunter House in downtown with Roman Aeon and prolific one man fiddle-grinder
Joey Molinaro hailing from New York.

For Present performance booking email Mike Meanstreetz at viejobajo@yahoo.com
Click on the image to Download