Parallax Beach

Parallax Beach-Parallax Scroll @ Highways Performance Space- Santa Monica, Ca by DBL

Severed moments of macrocosmic balance routinely underline human evolution. These moments intrigue, as modernity has alienated us from the immediacy of life. Perceptions of time become mercurial and subjective depending on perspective. Parallax Scroll will take the audience on a revisit through the emergence of life. A trip that re-exams light, language, and the development of society, ending in a space unresolved and recycled. All points can viewed when wading on a Parallax Beach.

PARALLAX BEACH's "Parallax Scroll" is a multi-media performance piece that bridges the abstract landscapes of sound, light, time, and movement. A collective of artists, each utilizing different mediums, come together to make this unique work. Wes Johansen creates a visual representation of abstract thought through digital video projection, edited live and synchronized to synthesizers. Mike Meanstreetz uses avant-garde percussion and composition techniques tangling the participants of this ritualistic performance in a web of synesthesia . These elements are accentuated as josie j conveys transformation to witnesses through ritualism/ meditative movement, influenced partly by Butoh training and a background in performance art. Also performing in this piece are Zachary Vidal (saxophone/sampled noise) providing textured mood, and Brennan Lowe (movement) setting the wheel of this cycle into motion.

Parallax Beach @ Pehr Space: Parallax Scroll Final Performance by DBL


This was the last time Parallax Beach performed Parallax Scroll.  The night was filled with great acts.  I personally was hypnotized by the sounds and visuals of


.  I hope to see more of this very very talented lady.  I always gush for



TV Crime Lords

were fun.  Three cute boys making noise, much fun.  

Without further a due here are some stills of the night.  Brennan has got his character and moment down.  Stay tune for some audio.  

Parallax Beach @ PehrSpace Sean Carnage Monday Nights by DBL

Soft Forms,

Coming off the Epic Highways show, Parallax Beach is excited to present a much more appropriate, raw and dirty version of "Parallax Scroll".  We are honored to be performing at one of the last nights of Sean Carnage's influential Monday Nights in this City of Angels.

This show is poignant not only because of this, but because it will be the last time we will be performing "Parallax Scroll".  With the monumental departure of Brennan Lowe from the troupe we will move on to a new piece. 

I myself am excited and honored to be sharing the stage, for the second time, with


Hope to see you there.

Deciphering the roots,


*flier by Wes Johansen

Facebook Event Page

PARALLAX BEACH: Parallax Scroll @ Highways by DBL


Excited to invite you to PARALAX BEACH's debut of "Parallax Scroll".


*     *     *     *     *

Severed moments of macrocosmic balance routinely underline human evolution. These moments intrigue, as modernity has alienated us from the immediacy of life. Perceptions of time become mercurial and subjective depending on perspective. Parallax Scroll will take the audience on a revisit through the emergence of life. A trip that re-exams light, language, and the development of society, ending in a space unresolved and recycled. All points can viewed when wading on a Parallax Beach.

PARALLAX BEACH's "Parallax Scroll" is a multi-media performance piece that bridges the abstract landscapes of sound, light, time, and movement. A collective of artists, each utilizing different mediums, come together to make this unique work. Wes Johansen creates a visual representation of abstract thought through digital video projection, edited live and synchronized to synthesizers. Mike Meanstreetz uses avant-garde percussion and composition techniques tangling the participants of this ritualistic performance in a web of synesthesia . These elements are accentuated as josie j conveys transformation to witnesses through ritualism/ meditative movement, influenced partly by Butoh training and a background in performance art. Also performing in this piece are Zachary Vidal (saxophone/sampled noise) providing textured mood, and Brennan Lowe (movement) setting the wheel of this cycle into motion.

Invoking the zeitgeist of the night's multi-disciplinary performance,

        elle mehrmand opens with a solo piece

divined of haunting sing-song and movement, foreshadowing what is to come.

Passing through the theater's entry way, the night's performances will be initiated both spatial and temporally by a traversable light and sound installation by the artist Lazer Blade.

Update: SoundWalk, Other Performances by DBL


This year has been a very eventful year.  Many performances and many artwork has yet to be made, but the opportunities I have had this year I have been grateful for.

I have lost my mailing list do to my computer failure but hopefully new social media will add in communication.  Also the few die hard fans can always keep up to date here and on the events page.

Any yes the new computer is on its way... finally.

More shows coming this month (more DBRP performances), in November (as part of the La Pocha Nostra Workshop at Highways) in December (Parallax Beach Debut of Parallax Scroll 2.0 At Highways).  List of events HERE.

This Past weekend Parallax Beach had an opportunity to run though the beginnings of Parallax Scroll in marathon form.  Five 45 min performances in a four hour block.  we finished exhausted, cleansed and accomplished.  Here are a few snippets of the performances. 

via SoundWalk

Instagram photo by @greeniebeanies (Ryan Lampert)

Photos by Hannah Maynard via LB Post

Instagram photo by @chakosroughdraft

Parallax Beach @ SoundWalk October 5, 2013 by DBL

Parallax Scroll is a multi-media performance piece that bridges the abstract landscapes of sound, light, time, and movement. A trio of artists, each utilizing different mediums, come together to make a unique piece.  Wes Johansen creates a visual representation of abstract thought through digital video projection, with live editing and synchronizing directly to the soundtrack.  Mike Meanstreetz uses avant-garde percussion and composition techniques tangling the audience in a web of Synthesia.  These elements are accentuated as josie j conveys transformation to audience through ritualism/ meditative movement influenced partly by Butoh training and a background in performance art.  With additional assistance from Zachary Vidal (audio) and Brennan Lowe (movement).

Parallax Scroll will take the audience on a voyage through the emergence of life. Starting with imagining first sight, the emergence of language, and the development of society -- all the way to the end of time. Severed moments of macrocosmic balance routinely underline human evolution. These moments intrigue, as modernity has alienated us from the immediacy of life. Perceptions of time become mercurial and subjective depending on perspective. All points can viewed when wading on a Parallax Beach

Parallax Beach will be performing Parallax Scroll on October 5, 2013 as part of Soundwalk in Long Beach CA.

Parallax Beach at SoundWalk


● WHAT: A multi-media performance piece Parallax Scroll, performed as part of the 10th annual “SoundWalk 2013” festival, a one-night event of installations by 40 local and international sound artists.

● WHERE: Artwise 408 1 st. st. and throughout the area encompassed by 4th St, Linden Ave, 1st St, and Elm Ave.

● WHEN: Saturday, October 5th, 2013 from 6–10 pm


● PARKING: Metered parking is available on the street; additional parking is also available in the parking lot at the NW corner of Broadway and Elm Ave.
Facebook event at:

Artist Sites:

josie j

Wes Johansen

Mike Meanstreetz

Parallax Beach: Call for Performers by DBL

Call for Dancers/ Performers:

Performance group Parallax Beach is looking for dancers/ performers for up coming shows. Performers will participate in shows at the SoundWalk of Long Beach (October 5), Highways Performance Space, Santa Monica (December 6), and others TBA.

A trio of artists, each utilizing different mediums, come together to make a unique multi-media piece. Wes Johansen creates a visual representation of abstract thought through digital video projections, with live editing and synchronizing directly to the soundtrack. Mike Meanstreetz uses avant-garde percussion and composition techniques tangling the audience in a web of Synthesia. These elements are accentuated as josie j conveys transformation to audience through ritualism/ meditative movement influenced partly by Butoh training and background in performance art.

New performance piece Parallax Scroll will take the audience on a voyage through the emergence of life. Starting with imagining first sight, the emergence of language, and the development of society -- culminating to the end of time. As part landscape, characters, and elements performers will transform self and space. Performance will have a ritualistic/ transcendental format with the goal of causing change to audience and artist. 
For more info please contact josie @

Artist Sites:
josie j

Mike Meanstreetz

Wes Johansen