In You I See Me, in Me I Experience You (Tells of the Two 2021) / by josie j

Let me see my Self in your nakedness

The willingness to give yourself to me freely

In this I see my weakness to take

I take in tenderness with a heavy hand and firm choke

This you ask for

I only take that which I find special

My mistake to say the honest words of human emotion

confusing, messy, honest but convoluted

The mix of what I say what I don’t say what I hear is the language of two hearts colliding

The landscape I paint for you is a colorful watercolor of bile

This is because my human heart knows only confusion

My soul knows better but how can this be clear if you don’t know the language

still…I try

In my attempt to connect

My attempt to bare

In my attempt to be human I leave a mess on your pale skin

This is utterly confusing

There is much to hide in calm and quiet

I can paint any picture on this canvas

I can fool myself that I am navigating this boat

A simple boat just for two

Some how has space for three

In my attempt to be my honest self

I accidentally become your mirror

It was not me that I was taking to the shore but you Navigating to the place you wish to see

All along I was speaking for many

Crucifying myself with words of another

Owning what belongs to us and the other you pulled in

To make this make sense I added another

Never Realizing your painting you never showed was more vivid than mine

Your attempt to ask for more scrambled me to change my image

This lesson I did learn of the strength of my human intuition

I am fine with leaving it all alone and settling on mud delusions

In wounding my heart, in mending my heart I know my Self better

What can I say but thank you

For letting this immortal soul get a taste of being human